Application Modernization

Modernize your software products, remove dependencies from commercial databases and drive your business value. INIT works with organizations to modernize by refactoring, rearchitecting, or replacing applications, in line with their digital goals. Modernized applications built or run on AWS Cloud, enable greater operational efficiency, increased scalability, improved performance, and reduced costs. In addition, when leveraging the AWS serverless platform, organizations have access to a set of fully managed services for building and running applications and services without needing to think about servers or infrastructure management.

Build new apps with Serverless technologies and tools

Use Serverless Architecture to Build, Deploy and run applications on the AWS cloud without managing the servers or infrastructure.
Related AWS Services: AWS Lambda, AWS Amplify

Move to managed container services

Use managed container services on AWS to reduce operational overhead while improving security, scalability, and reliability.
Related AWS Services: Amazon EKS, Amazon ECS

Modernize with purpose-built databases

AWS offers the broadest and deepest set of services with 15 relational and non-relational databases. This will help you to select the best fit for the use case you are looking at.
Related AWS Services: Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon ElastiCache, Amazon DocumentDB

Adopt a modern DevOps Model

Modern DevOps brings developers and operations closer by sharing operational tasks earlier and enhancing them with AI/ML. You can change your update cycles from months or years to just days while improving performance and security.
Related AWS Services: Amazon CodePipeline, AWS CloudFormation, AWS Proton, AWS CodeGuru

Cloud Migrations

Any workloads can be migrated virtually and can get benefits from AWS Cloud Services. From websites, applications, storages, databases, physical and virtual servers, and even entire data centers can be moved to AWS Cloud from the on-premises system, or other public cloud. These migrations will be planed, delivered, and monitored by our cloud experts. By leveraging AWS best practices accumulated from millions of successful migration projects, we make sure your workloads are efficiently migrated to AWS platform, while ensuring maximum security compliances and minimum interruption to your operation.

AWS Managed Services

AWS Managed Services helps you adopt AWS at scale and operate more efficiently and securely. By leveraging standard AWS services and offering guidance and execution of operational best practices with specialized automations, skills, and experience that are contextual to your environment and applications. AWS Managed Services provides proactive, preventative, and detective capabilities that raise the operational bar and help reduce risk without constraining agility, allowing you to focus on innovation. AWS Managed Services extends your team with operational capabilities including monitoring, incident detection and management, security, patch, backup, and cost optimization.

Infrastructure Management

Helping customers to successfully shift to the cloud environment and manage systems proactively through defined service levels.

Service Management

Supporting the customers round the clock for managing incidents and reviewing alerts to keep the service management needle moving.

Application Management

Providing consistent support for your development, operations, and maintenance activities related to critical business applications.

Security Assessments

Protect your AWS Cloud environment by getting actionable security recommendations. Our security assessment is designed to provide insights on how your AWS account is configured and managed by using industry best practices and recommendations. Our assessment covers configurations, technical settings and governance related processes to give you a complete evaluation of your AWS environment.

The assessment will dive deep into the technical security of your AWS platform, identify misconfiguration, vulnerabilities, and improvements, which includes:

  • Identity & Access Control
  • Trust Relationships & Connections
  • Logging & Monitoring
  • External (Internet) Exposures
  • Data Protection & Storage
  • Security Groups and Firewalls

The deliverable of the assessment includes a detailed report with summary of the existing cloud environment, and the recommendations/observations for improving the security of the assessed environment.

AWS Well-Architected Reviews

Typically, every AWS environment is constantly changing and expanding, adapting to the growth of the business operation, potentially generating gaps in the cloud workloads. With the help of our cloud experts, we perform series of deep dive architecture reviews session based on AWS Well-Architected Reviews frameworks. Cloud experts from INIT will perform periodical reviews tailored to your business needs. Detailed Assessment report with appropriate remediation actions to mitigate existing architecture issues will then be shared with the customers and executed accordingly to maintain a secure, resilient and efficient environment for your workloads.

Operational Excellence

The ability to run workloads and support development effectively, gain insight into the operation, and continuously improve supporting processes and procedures to delivery business value.

Design Principles:

  • Perform operations as code
  • Make frequent, small, reversible changes
  • Refine operations procedures frequently
  • Anticipate failure
  • Learn from all operational failures


The ability to run workloads and support development effectively, gain insight into the operation, and continuously improve supporting processes and procedures to delivery business value.

Design Principles:

  • Perform operations as code
  • Make frequent, small, reversible changes
  • Refine operations procedures frequently
  • Anticipate failure
  • Learn from all operational failures


The ability of a workload to perform its anticipated function correctly and consistently as per the expectation.

Design Principles:

  • Automatically recover from failure
  • Test recovery procedures
  • Scale horizontally to increase aggregate workload availability
  • Stop guessing capacity
  • Manage change in automation

Performance Efficiency

The ability to use computing resources effectively and efficiently to meet system requirements.

Design Principles:

  • Democratize advanced technologies
  • Go global in minutes
  • Use server-less architectures
  • Experiment more often
  • Consider mechanical sympathy

Cost Optimization

The ability to run workloads to deliver business value at the lowest price point.

Design Principles:

  • Implement cloud financial management
  • Adopt a consumption model
  • Measure overall efficiency
  • Stop spending money on undifferentiated heavy lifting
  • Analyze and attribute expenditure

Data and Analytics

Data is an asset and with a proper data approach, not only that business could have a bird’s-eye view on their operation, but also transforming their business culture, where critical decisions are rationally driven by real time analytical reports and optimal forecasts.

New Analysis Method

Adoption of modern analysis methodology, including Real-time, Batch and Machine Learning to improve efficiency and accuracy.

Multiple Data Sources Integration

Secured integration of multiple data sources into a custom-made centralized data platform.

Better Decision Making

A bird’s-eye view onto real-time business operation that support a more comprehensive decisions and actions.

Capture New Data Sources

Easy enablement of future expansion without limitation in term of scale, sources and format.

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