UBL achieves quantifiable benefits with INIT – Gavel (Legal Management Solution)

UBL achieves quantifiable results with INIT – A’een (Legal Management Solution)
0% Improvement in Reporting Efficiency
0% Optimization in Process Execution
0% Reduction in Carbon Footprint
Reporting has been a key benefit achieved through the Gavel Solution, allowing us to consolidate information faster and build better focus towards outcomes, progress and risks.
Adnan Afzal
Head Litigation – UBL
Collaboration has seen an immense improvement, with coordination of activities and execution of actions facilitated through automated processing, allowing us to achieve in-time deliverables on prioritized tasks.
Muhammad Ibrahim Subhani
MIS Manager – UBL Legal

Business Objective

UBL is one of the largest Banking Institutions in Pakistan, comprising of 1,300+ Branches and with a customer base of over 10 Million.
UBL Legal required a system which would build efficiencies across consolidated reporting and process executions, ensuring optimal workload distribution for achieving in-time deliverables.

Results Achieved

  • Systematically Centralized Repository of organization-wide Legal Matters
  • Point-In-Time Reporting on Progress and Deliverables
  • Prioritization of Actions and Executions for efficient Workforce Distribution
  • Effective Collaboration across Regions and Personnel
  • Automated Reminders and Notifications on items and tasks